Saturday 21 April 2012


Alright, so i spent the past week or so talking with Hiroshi of Skyspirit frequently, and after some overviewing of the external model, we have concluded that it was TOO UNDER-DETAILED. So we started Redoing parts of it, namely the landing gears. Here is a quick video of the new nose gear testing out deployment and steering functions. we also concluded that the 767-200 will wait until Hiroshi Releases the 762, which will be in the near future.
With regards to the legitimacy of these planes, Mr. Hiroshi Igami has told me, that once released, the plane will be posted to avsim, the Skyspirit2010 site, and many other noted websites, along with a press release for the plane.

Also, some Screenshots of the main landing gear being worked on


  1. Looks nice but I don´t understand the release?

  2. the aircraft will be relesed at the ASIM Download page. (not on the.ORG) and the plane will be considered official to SkySpirit2010, where the developer Hiroshi Igami made the model for MSFS. it will also have a press release from other sites as well......

    1. NO NO NO! the plane will be considered a collaboration between FSXP, skyspirit2010 and XPP!

  3. OKI and it will work in xplane?

  4. ....whats the purpose of this project then? you don't say? lol :D (this is another account of Peter---Tram)

  5. XPP only do airbus aircraft?

  6. well, from what i hear, fsxp would be part of XPP sooner or later

    1. this plane is a joint collaboration between the FSXP, XPP, and Hiroshi Igami (skyspirit2010). the XPP does not guarantee that it will work with us on future projects, as it appears right now they probably won't.
